Sunday, 15 January 2012

Risk Assessment

Location - Deserted Train Tracks

Risk - Tripping over loose rocks or logs.

What we can do to reduce the risk - Check the area in which we plan to film for any loose rocks on logs and remove any if spotted, not only this but we can have someone always on standby with a mobile phone in case of an Emergency

Location - House

Risk - Fire, tripping over front door step.

What we can do to reduce the risk - Always have somebody on standby with a mobile phone in case of an emergency and always check before entering the front door as so not to trip.

Location - Travelling to and from Deserted Train Tracks

Risk - Being run over or involved in accident.

What we can do to reduce the risk - Be careful when crossing roads or walking along pathways, drive responsibly and always have someone on standby with a mobile phone in case of an emergency.

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