Sunday, 8 January 2012


Props will be very useful to us within our thriller opening as they can present different aspects of the characters personalities and can be used to signify certain elements within our opening not only this but they could also be key parts within our story line and have an impact on what happens not only during our clip but throughout the rest of the film. The main props we would consider using consist of a ring, black gloves and newspapers as well as a mobile phone and creepy letter. Each prop has its own part to play within our clip.

The ring is an essential prop throughout our opening as it links to flashbacks within our story-line and makes the audience aware that its the same character in this case that of a young girl, so they are able to follow the story-line comfortably and are aware of what is going on. Not only this but it will give the audience the impression that the character might be quite fond of her ring and is attached to it as she is always seen wearing it.

The newspaper is an essential prop as it introduces our credits i.e "Sirius Productions/Films" not only this but it is the key to introducing our opening and the whole story-line of the our clip.

The black gloves are also a very important prop within our opening as they introduce the audience to our "stalker" character not only this but it also gives the audience the impression that he is quite a dark and mysterious character.

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