Monday, 23 January 2012

Garage Band Software Consideration Music And Audio

Garage band is a recording studio exclusively made for Apples devices, it offers a range of different instruments allowing us to experiment with different sounds that match together as well as sounding suitable for particular parts of our opening film. We can also create and edit voice overs that are of some relevance to some parts of the opening such as the creepy laughter playing over our film productions titles. This is a very basic type of software making it easy to use as well as being faster due to being not complex however this also does mean that it is not highly professional and may affect our movie opening by not being convincing or likable to the audience's prospective. Garage band is also compatible with Final cut which is why we taken this software into consideration about using, we can transfer the project/document form Garage band and then import into Final cut to put with our opening film.

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