Saturday, 21 January 2012

New Costumes

After changing our thriller opening we also tweaked our costumes. This is what our costumes now entail:

The 'young girl' character called Rosie will need to wear an outfit which portrays a sense of innocence and vulnerability. This is because Rosie is a young girl who we want to audience to interrupt as innocent and sweet, by dressing her in this way we believe we can create the effect or image we are looking for. Example:

The male character will need to wear a dark, mysterious outfit which gives the audience an impression of power and darkness. This is because we want our male character to be mysterious to the audience as well as un-move and entertain them, by dressing him in this way we hope his character will be enhanced and the audience will experience the effect we are looking for. A good example of this is Professor Snape from Harry Potter:

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