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Wednesday, 9 November 2011

Thriller Sub Genres Extended

Following on previous posts I decided to have a look at some other thriller film sub genres. I decided to look at three very different and unique genres.

Drama - This particular sub genre is usually includes variety of different characters and the storyline will revolve around a situation or event for example a terrorist attack. As the film progresses the situation will become more dangerous and more serious in the process this will causes a great deal of tension and suspense for viewers who are perched on the edge of there seats for the climax of the storyline. It is very easy to be drawn into as it is usually fast paced and full of action. This makes the viewer want to continue watching right to the end.

Science Fiction - A genre in which almost anything goes. Aliens, spaceships, new words and even planets are often factors within a science fiction thriller for example Star Wars. Characters can range from robots to blue avatars running around fictional planets and planning to take over the world. The genre can be very gripping and entertaining for a wide range of audiences.

Horror - This genre is usually very dark and creepy. It will involve a select amount a characters in which there will more often than not be a tormentor of some sort while other characters fall victim to his or her horrific ways. They usually involve weak story-lines and contain lots of violence, strong language and plenty of gore. The storyline usually tends to revolve around people being haunted or hunted and they are seen trying to get away from the torment but ultimately there is no escape. Horrors in some respect have a limited audience as only people who enjoy thriller horrors will go to see them.

It is very useful to look at different types of sub genres as we can evaluate there success and learn from them a great deal. They will prove to be very helpful when we come to make our own production as we will no doubt have to choose some form of sub genre to follow whether it be psychological or horror.

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