Blog Archive

Wednesday, 9 November 2011

In The First Five Minutes of A Film..

We will attempt to address all of the following issues within our opening scene:

- set the scene
- introduce the characters
- the title
- credits i.e. main actor/director/producers
- indication of what is to come
- sets the pace and tone of the flim
- location and setting
- begins the storyline
- background/flashbacks
- establishing music
- narration
- get the audiences attention/engage the audience
- indication of historical period
- information about the mood
- introduction to signature theme tune
- questions that the viewer finds intriguing
- patterns and types of editing that will be echoed in the remainder of the film
- mise en scene and cinematography that will be elaborated on later in the film

By doing all of this successfully by using a variety of editing, mise en scene, camera and sound techniques in our production we would therefore hope to produce an effective opening.

Again this will be used as a reference further down our production stages.

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