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Sunday, 20 November 2011

Market Research Methods

Research surveys are occasionally used for market research; it’s usually referred as another way or type of having a personal interview, which is fairly common. These may be a lengthy interview, in which a research participant meets with the researcher individually. In addition, it might be a much shorter interview if the researcher simply approaches people in a public area to ask questions. These people might be trying to determine something simple, such as if a certain colour bottle of laundry detergent makes someone more or less likely to purchase that product. It can also involve using questionnaires as an alternative source within Research survey area, this helps to collect the data from who you give it to which is obtained on, unfortunately if you use this method you can not go into high detail about what you are trying to find out so you would have a basic understanding of what to do from the questionnaires after they are collected in.

Example of a questionnaire (layout)

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