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Monday, 21 November 2011

Audience Questionnaire Results

Following on from previous analysis of our questionnaire results I decided to break down the findings further and give my own personal view on particular questions and what we found and how It will impact us a group and on our thriller opening.

Here is the analysis of some of the questions we asked:

Which Age Category Below Includes Your Age?  

This graph shows that the majority of people who filled in our questionnaire were indeed aged 17 or younger meaning most people were aged between 14 and 17 (teenagers) this will have to be taken into account when analysing our results.

What Influential Factors Would Make You Watch A Thriller? 

What this particular graph shows us is that an appealing storyline is what most people expect or want from a thriller, for us this will be very important.
We also found that a good cast and a good reputation  were also seen as key factors within a thriller however we also discovered that only one person thought 'Good Reviews' were important. So it is clear from the results of the particular question that an appealing storyline is something we need to invest a lot of thought into as it is what our audience considers a major influential factor that would make them want to watch a thriller.

How Would You Describe A Typical Thriller Film? 

From looking at this graph it is clear that almost 50% percent of people who answered this question decided that tense was the best way to describe a typical thriller film, followed mysterious and exciting with less than 20% each. No one who answered the question thought that a typical thriller could be described as fun. What this shows us is that people tend to see thrillers as tense and mysterious, this is something we will have to strongly consider when it comes to producing our own thriller opening.

What Is Your Favourite Thriller Out of The Following? 

From this graph it became clear that the more recent and more well known the film was the more people seemed to enjoy it, for example the Black Swan and Inception both received almost thirty percent of the vote each. Where as Se7en was much lower. Again we will need to take all of this into consideration when it comes to planning and producing our very own thriller opening.

From the analysis of these particular questions It has become clear to us that people enjoy more recent and popular thrillers, they interpret thrillers as being quite tense and mysterious and they also cast an appealing storyline to be a main influential factor when watching a thriller. All of these points are useful and will help us when it comes to producing our very own thriller opening, however all the results and data that we have collected will be taken into consideration as it is impossible to discuss and analyse a variety of different options to give ourselves the best chance at being successful.

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