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Wednesday, 9 November 2011

Thriller Sub Genres

This type of thriller focuses more on the action than the defining thriller elements. and contains explosions and violence.
This subgenre of thriller is usually when the protagonist confronts something large and powerful such as an organisation, they usually do this alone as the threat is only visible from his point of view.
This type of thriller evolves around crime, tends to be from the criminals point of view but also known to follow both the police officers actions as well as the criminals. Full of physical action, from police gathering evidence in order to discover the criminal.
This thriller subgenre tends to have a natural disaster taking place and the antagonist is usually either trying to save themselves before it's too late or actually trying to stop it happening.
This type of thriller is based around and in the courtroom, with the protagonist as a lawyer who is under threat from their case or either their client is in danger.
This thriller subgenre usually involves something becoming a deadly weapon that is used for medical purposes and is often known to be a virus that has spread.
This type of thriller is a mystery which is fast-paced and contains lots of clues but doesn't give the storyline away.
This thriller subgenre evolves around political relations, or the whole government is in trouble. In some cases the protagonist is employed by the government.
This is one of the most popular subgenre of thrillers, it contains a lot of mental conflict rather than physical. Usually involves a dangerous situation which basically threatens their sanity. By using their mental power to beat their opponent, mentally or through intelligence.
Rape and Revenge
This subgenre uses the myths and history of religion in which a historical secret or religious artifact is discovered.
This is a thriller subgenre that contains a plot line that follows a growing relationship between two characters by using tension, suspense and excitement.
This subgenre mainly focuses on adventures of field agents.
This genre contains lots of cutting-edge technology as this is an important role within this genre and either has something working for or against the protagonist.

By looking directly at a few of these sub genres we could use the most popular ones within them and see what our audiences prefer and enjoy the most. This will be very helpful when we have to decide what type of thriller we want to focus on producing especially as we now have a good concept into what each sub genre involves.

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