Wednesday, 14 December 2011

Thriller Plot Idea Summary

We have discussed many different ideas and have agreed on a few main ideas we like the sound of. We have definitely decided on a young girl/women as the main character who is being stalked/harassed or even tormented. She is also just a normal, average person, with a good life and no obvious problems apart from the fact that she is being followed but thinks it's just in her head but then she is sent letters. She finally feels like she can't escape.

Our final thriller plot is... 

The girl wakes up to the sound her alarm clock for the fifth time and rolls over and presses snooze. She's late for college and has to walk as she has missed the bus. Little does she know she is being followed throughout her journey. Just a normal day at school, with her friends consisting of two geography lessons and a dance class. As she opens up her geography book loads of letters and notes fall out and she is really concerned, all her friends question why, a stalker? love interest? etc. Basically an average day at college besides being late and followed. The man who followed her to school also followed her home but she starts to get a feeling that she is being watched.

The next day the situation increases, then the next and the next until three weeks later things start to get serious and the man approaches her on many occasions. Then we see the man at home cutting out loads of letters from newspapers, gluing down letters in order to make notes to her. He his sat at home in a room full of pictures of her. The torment increases, she is sitting at home on the computer and there is a knock on the door. She gets up, and goes to answer the door and there is no one there only a letter on the door step. She opens the letter and the audience doesn't see what it says but her reaction says it all.

The letter guides her to a place and a time which all will be revealed. She follows the instructions given and ends up making her way not only to a deserted train track but also to her death. There is an investigation into how she has died but no one ever finds out the truth.

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